博客來精選推薦The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories 評價
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories
就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~
而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories
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本書是國家書卷獎得主、兩度問鼎普立茲獎的Denis Johnson,在《Jesus’ Son》出版二十五年後推出的第二本短篇故事集,文字精彩,並展現了深刻的人性。Johnson經常描寫命運不幸的角色──酒鬼、竊賊、厭世的士兵等,在這部作品中,他拓展了書寫的範圍,直視過去的鬼魂與宇宙難以捉摸的運行方式。
在同名作品〈The Largesse of the Sea Maiden〉中,一名即將退休的成功廣告人提供了一連串關於死去或失蹤的熟人的描述,從而思索著關於藝術、人生和正直誠實的問題;〈Strangler Bob〉中,一個名叫Dink的年輕男子,落得被關進拘留所的下場,在那裡,他遇見了一群同樣任性、固執的台中水晶專賣店人,這是他以既嚴肅又滑稽的語氣訴說的人生故事;〈The Starlight on Idaho〉是由康復中的酗酒者Mark Cassandra的一連串書信構築而成,這些信件是寫給所有在他人生中扮演重要角色的人──他的手足、醫生們、撒旦──同時他思索著可以如何導正他自我毀滅的傾向;而〈Triumph Over the Grave〉,則是一位上了年紀、獨自生活的作家,講述了一個關於他死去的好友們的曲折故事;在〈Doppelg?nger, Poltergeist〉裡,一名教授與一名學生的長久友誼,將他牽扯進那名學生對於貓王之死的瘋狂陰謀論之中。
Twenty-five years after Jesus’ Son, a haunting new collection of short stories on mortality and transcendence, from National Book Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist Denis Johnson
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden is the long-awaited new story collection from Denis Johnson. Written in the luminous prose that made him one of the most beloved and important writers of his generation, this collection finds Johnson in new territory, contemplating the ghosts of the past and the elusive and unexpected ways the mysteries of the universe assert themselves.
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Finished shortly before Johnson’s death, this collection is the last word from a writer whose work will live on for many years to come.
Advance praise for The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
“Mesmerizing . . . psychologically revelatory, spiritually inquisitive, and grimly funny stories . . . Johnson will be remembered and revered as an incisive storyteller fluent in the comedy and tragedy of human confusion and the transcendence of compassion.”—Booklist (starred review)
“American literature suffered a serious loss with Johnson’s death. These final stories underscore what we’ll miss. . . . Johnson is best known for his writing about hard-luck cases—alcoholics, thieves, world-weary soldiers. But this final collection ranges up and down the class ladder; for Johnson, a sense of mortality and a struggle to make sense of our lives knew no demographic boundaries.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
“An instant classic . . . A masterpiece of deep humanity and astonishing prose . . . It’s filled with Johnson's unparalleled ability to inject humor, profundity, and beauty—often all three—into the dark and the mundane alike. These characters have been pushed toward the edge; through their searches for meaning or clawing just to hold on to life, Johnson is able to articulate what it means to be alive, and to have hope.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)
- 作者: Johnson, Denis
- 原文出版社:Random House Inc
- 出版日期:2018/01/16
- 語言:英文
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden- Stories